Enterprise Ontology Development for Sentara Healthcare
Sentara Healthcare is an integrated healthcare organization, including hospitals, clinics, home health, assisted living and health insurance. They employ 23,000 people, primarily in Southern Virginia. We worked with them to build what we believe to be the first integrated ontology for healthcare delivery.
After building the ontology we worked with them and 3 Round Stones to build a proof of concept mash up for asthmatics. This proof of concept took data from their EMR systems on asthmatic hospital admissions and combined it with data from other sources. The admission data was real, but anonymized. A full roll out would have essentially the same functionality, but would need strict security to ensure that only the patient had access to this data. The mash up brought data from EPA collection sites on detailed composition of the chemicals in the air. The mash up allowed patients to review exactly what was going on with the air in their neighborhood on the day of their admission.