
Proven Results

Learn more about putting our proven, predictable, and repeatable methodology to work for you

In order to drive value for our clients, Semantic Arts relies on a proven yet evolving methodology. In many cases, consultant work is viewed as less effective or “throw away” because the consultant doesn’t take the time to learn the business context and specifics of the domain. Semantic Arts on the other hand works diligently to focus first on the use cases and determine ideal project outcomes with the client. Our years of work in various domains and roles is also captured in organizational knowledge and is easily deployed onto each new project, giving us an immediate advantage.

Through decades of refinement, we employ a “think big” (Enterprise) / “start small” (Business Domain) approach to implementation of Data-Centric architecture. We advocate doing both models in tandem to ensure extendable and sustained success. If you only start small (which every agile project advises), you end up recreating the very point solutions and silos you’re working to abandon. And only thinking big tends to build enterprise data models that do not get implemented (we know, because that’s where we started).

Starting with the gist upper ontology combined with the experience of our team, we come into each project well-prepared for the challenges ahead. As we learn new things with each client and project, we incorporate those lessons back into gist, making it representative of the sum of our experience in more than 100 projects in numerous domains and clients.

The Data-Centric approach starts with a single simple model of an Enterprise’s information. In our initial project we help clients define that enterprise model, and conform 2-3 key data sets to the model, hosted on a graph database. Subsequent projects involve expanding the footprint of data domains to be added to the graph, and gradually building functionality directly on the graph that can begin to reverse the legacy creation and perpetration process.

We are also dedicated to staying on top of the latest developments, tools and technologies that can aid in this endeavor. See our Thought Leadership section for how we are staying up to date and invested.

With all of this, our team continues to collaborate and improve, meaning that our overall project abilities are enhanced by every project we complete, every conference we attend, every book we read, and every training we undergo.

Keep in mind, this is all we do. Our team is fully dedicated to the implementation of and/or advising in semantic solutions on behalf of our clients and stakeholders.

What does that mean for you? A team of consultants that are well-versed in a tried, true and battle-tested methodology that can drive real results, often in less time and less money than alternative “solutions” on the market.

Excited yet? Put our methodology to work for you and Reach out today.