Part of The Problem

Prior to founding Semantic Arts, Dave McComb was “part of the problem”. He started his career with Andersen Consulting (the part of Arthur Andersen that eventually became Accenture). In his 13 years at Andersen, he led a number of large, successful enterprise application development projects, including two custom ERP design, build, and implementation projects (one of which took place in Papua New Guinea, one of the remotest places in the world).

He left Andersen to pursue and promote the adoption of what was then the relatively new discipline of Object-Oriented development. It was in this incarnation that he began to see the semantic light. The process of identifying and designing the “classes” in an object-oriented system seemed so arbitrary and unprincipled. Two early white papers provided the impetus to begin viewing information from the vantage point of meaning.

In 1992, while working with the architects who designed all the Wal-Marts in North America, he led his first semantic modeling workshop and began building Object-Oriented systems around a semantic core.

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