
Data Centric Transformation

Semantic Arts is a professional services company in the business of helping enterprises become data-centric. The transformation pathway is a process that will occur over a series of projects. Each project will deliver value and get you one step closer to the goal of converting data from a problem to manage into a resource to exploit.

Projects typically involve two to three Semantic Arts consultants working alongside your existing team. Many of our projects are 3-9 months in length depending on the scope of the objective. We start with a simple model of the information managed by your enterprise or line of business. We then load data from several sources into a knowledge graph and work with your team to add capabilities and additional data sets.


Data-Centric Architecture

Semantic Arts designs systems around data requirements, rather than trying to make data fit the architecture. Our approach does not require lengthy integration activities and many layers of data replication. Instead of standing up new databases and building additional silos, data-centric architecture enables data to be shared and reused across all your applications without making copies. By eliminating data copies and integration efforts, new solutions can be built in days instead of weeks.

Ontology Development

Semantic Arts team of developers has extensive expertise in knowledge representation and ontology engineering. Whether it is the complexities of life science, financial services, publishing, manufacturing or any other information-intensive industry, our experts have the knowledge and capability to design ontologies tailored to your specific domain. We work closely with your subject experts to capture requirements and develop custom ontologies that align with your business objectives.

Semantic Data Modeling

Our consultants understand how to infuse data with semantic meaning to enable more intelligent and contextual decision-making. We focus on integrating data from disparate sources including both structured databases and unstructured text. We originated many of the principles of ontology design that are currently in use throughout the industry. We make your data-centric transformation journey possible.

Data-Centric Deployment

Semantic Arts has developed a structured methodology for integrating your knowledge graph with existing infrastructure to ensure that it is production ready. Our consultants work closely with you to understand your specific objectives before we identify and harvest data from databases and APIs. We manage the data pipeline to ensure that data is normalized, annotated and tested – and work with your business users to develop query interfaces and analytical tools.

Consulting and Training

Semantic Arts has developed an apprenticeship program to ensure self-sufficiency for our clients. We provide full details and documentation about our methodology as well as our approach to ontology development.


Semantic Arts has been 100% focused on semantics, knowledge graph and ontology design for over two decades. It took hundreds of projects across dozens of industries for us to conclude that data-centric is the only reliable way to harmonize data across the enterprise and help clients on their road to incremental legacy modernization.

Semantic Arts has perfected a “think big” (enterprise) “start small” (business domain) methodology that allows clients to migrate toward data-centric one sub-domain at a time. At each stage of the project, you realize a use case of value and demonstrate the validity of the data-centric architecture approach to systems design.

We start with a single and simple model of all the information managed by your enterprise or line of business. This forms the scaffolding that is used to add additional projects on an incremental basis.

From that baseline, our consultants load data from several sources into a knowledge graph for maximum flexibility. Direct updates to the graph start small. Each new project adds more sources and value to the knowledge graph. We then work with you to add capability to the knowledge graph architecture in terms of visualizations and natural language search capability.

The is the inflection point for the enterprise, giving you the ability to build additional use cases directly into the graph. These additional use cases are linked directly to the ontology and should be viewed as completely modular. With the use case capability in place, the graph can become the source system of record for data that is precisely defined, reusable, traceable and fully searchable.

an open-source upper ontology

gist is an upper-level ontology containing a minimal set of concepts required for most business applications. It has been developed and maintained by Semantic Arts since 2012. The gist ontology is free to use and is distributed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution-ShareAlike license. You can use it as you see fit for any purpose, as long as you give us attribution and keep it in the gist namespace.

gist represents the fundamental concepts and relationships that exist for most business use cases and is specifically designed to be domain independent. This flexibility allows gist to be applied to a wide spectrum of domains and facilitates both interoperability and integration of knowledge. We have designed gist for clarity and completeness to cover nearly all the concepts that exist in real-world ontology development.

(click to enlarge)

The Periodic Table of Gist

The gist ontology consists of just over 135 classes and about 140 properties and serves as a foundation for building more specialized ontologies. We have culled out highly abstract concepts to promote disambiguation. You are invited to contribute to gist by adding your comments to issue discussion threads and submitting new issues and pull requests.

gist forum

We maintain an active gist community where practitioners and users of gist come together to discuss the gist model, implementation best practices, and evolution. Virtual meetings take place the first Thursday of each month. Click here to become involved.

gist repository

We maintain extensive narrative and graphical documentation for download from the gist-doc GitHub repository. You can also view the WIDOCO documentation directly online.

Download gist 12.1.0

gist GitHub Repository

Download Here

Made Possible

Semantic Arts, Inc.
123 N College Avenue
Suite 218
Fort Collins, CO 80524

e: [email protected]
p: (970) 490-2224

Questions, Introductions, Inquires, or Information —
Reach out to us with what’s on your mind.

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