We have revamped our DBBO, Designing & Building Business Ontologies, training...
Category: The Whiteboard
Let the Semantic Technology hype cycle begin
Gartner has, finally, nominated Semantic Technology as one of their Top...
Taxonomies — Formal and Informal
We were working with a client recently who wanted...
How can I perform quality assurance on an ontology?
First, you need to know what the original objectives were...
How can I obtain confidence that an ontology is correct?
A good place to start is to run an inference...
How can I ensure that an ontology is complete?
This is a question of scope. An ontology is complete...
How can I ensure that an ontology is elegant?
This is related both to scope and to design. An...
How can I ensure that an ontology is easy to understand and use?
This is a complex and multi-faceted issue. The answer depends...
I’m trying to build an enterprise ontology for my organization. How can I avoid terminology wars?
Great question. This is an ongoing challenge because different parts...
How do I track down and debug errors in my ontology?
I will answer this in the context of OWL ontologies...