-------------------------- Release notes gist 8.0.0 -------------------------- This major version primarily changed all concept URIs to use '/' instead of '#'. For more explanation on how and why: https://semanticarts.com/blog/gist-hash-to-slash/ Additionally, gistWiki is no longer included by gistCore. Import URL: http://ontologies.semanticarts.com/o/gistCore8.0.0.owl ------------------------ Release notes gist 7.5 ------------------------ This version focused on making the import structure simpler and flatter, in order to make it easier for people to use subsets of gist if they want to. Because all of gist is in one name space this was relatively easy to do and will have very little impact on anyone who is using gist 7.* (see the change log there were a few changes that you may want to review) Import URL: http://ontologies.semanticarts.com/o/gistCore7.5.owl ------------------------ Release notes gist 7.4 ------------------------ Gist 7.4 was an internal release. ------------------------ Release notes gist 7.3 ------------------------ An additional supplementary ontology was added for Units of Measure (gistUnitDim7.3.owl) which introduces the concept of a Coherent Unit. This allows for conversions between units of the same dimension to be done using just SPARQL, as opposed to relying on rules. There are new and/or improved annotations (definitions, notes, examples, negative examples, etc.) on all Classes. The Category ontology added properties for true sub/super type relationship, including having a unique superType (parent). Other minor changes: - removal of redundant imports and redundant classes already defined in another ontology - relaxed the domain on gist:start and gist:end - expanded the range of gist:fromAgent and gist:toAgent - added to the Units of Measure ontology and corrected an erronoeously named class See ChangeLog in pdf file for full details of changes. Import URL: http://ontologies.semanticarts.com/o/gistCore7.3.owl ------------------------ Release notes gist 7.2 ------------------------ gist 7.2 was released to add wiki and rdfshape capability We also removed some redundant assertions, and moved some comments to the ontology where the concept was first introduced. we removed currencyValue in favor of decimalValue upgrades domains on some date problems and hasCommunicationAddress Deprecated a lot of the measurement stuff that wasn't being used (as far as we know) Import URL: http://ontologies.semanticarts.com/o/gistCore7.2.owl ------------------------ Release notes gist 7.1.1 ------------------------ gist 7.1.1 was released to fix an erroneous disjoint statement on the class gist:Magnitude. If you previously downloaded gist 7.1 you may have experienced an inference error if you attempted to run inference using Hermit. The gist 7.1.1 release has eliminated the cause of this error. In addition to using the OWL files locally, you can import these files via URL directly into your ontology editor of choice(Protegé, Topbraid, etc.) The import will take care of the dependencies. Import URL: http://ontologies.semanticarts.com/o/gistCore7.1.1.owl ---------------------- Release notes gist 7.1 ---------------------- gist 7.1 is a release that primarily fixes minor errors like typos in our gist 7.0 release. Below is a brief summary of the changes that have semantic import from an inference perspective (axiom added, removed, changed, etc.) or that are backward incompatible. * Made gist:uniqueText a sub-property of gist:containedText * Added gist:Agreement to range of gist:governs * Changed gist:prevent, gist:allow and gist:require to gist:prevents, gist:allows, and gist:requires * Changed restriction on gist:Offer to use gist:hasDirectPart some gist:CatalogItem * Removed property gist:specifiedIn, no longer needed * Changed property restriction on gist:Account from gist:hasA some gist:Balance to gist:hasMagnitude some gist:Balance * Bugfix, inverse property of gist:hasDirectSubtask changed to gist:directSubtaskOf * Added gist:IntellectualProperty and gist:PhysicalThing to the range of gist:governs * In the definition of gist:Requirement, removed gist:Conformance from the range of gist:requires In addition to using the OWL files locally, you can import these files via URL directly into your ontology editor of choice(Protegé, Topbraid, etc.) The import will take care of the dependencies. Import URL: http://ontologies.semanticarts.com/o/gistCore7.1.owl ---------------------- Release Notes gist 7.0 ---------------------- gist 7.0 is a major upgrade from our last released version (6.7.1). The main differences are: * gist 7.0 is extremely modular. There are 18 modules that can be used collectively or in subsets if you don't need all the concepts in gist. * gist 7.0 is more elegant than its predecessors. We have reduced the number of top level concepts that everything else derives from to 12. And these 12 concepts are not philosophical abstractions like endurants and perdurants, or qualia, there are normal terms whose definitions are quite close to what you already believe. * gist 7.0 has more extensive and more-fine grained disjointness at the highest level. It turns out that in order for an upper ontology to help you avoid making logical errors in your derived enterprise or application ontology, it needs to make use of disjointness. Without disjointness, the reasoner does not find logic errors. For documentation and OWL files regarding terms that were deprecated when moving from version 6.7.1 to 7.0, please see the sub-folder called "Depricated terms from gist6.7.1" In addition to using the OWL files locally, you can import these files via URL directly into your ontology editor of choice(Protegé, Topbraid, etc.) The import will take care of the dependencies. Import URL: http://ontologies.semanticarts.com/o/gistCore7.0.owl